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Methodology for Calculating Number of Jobs Created:
Simply, working laboriously with persons and data from the Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS) we developed a mathematical formula for projecting job creation potential of consumer expenditures by expenditure category and set this formula in excel form. The data elements keyed into the excel are:  Total number of Households per U.S. Census multiplied by Per household consumer expenditure for given expenditure category per U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics BLS equals Total annual U. S. consumer expenditure on a given expenditure category divided by 1 million to determine the number of millions in  the total. The number of millions is divided by the total number of jobs for the given industry  per U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS) equals  the number of U. S. jobs created per million for given consumer expenditure category. Having now found the number of U. S. jobs created per million for given consumer expenditure category, we simply applied the number of U.S. jobs created per million to number of millions of dollars spent on that same given consumer expenditure in our targeted community.

The information this model is in no way intended for use in financial or investment decision making it is instead intended only to offer direction with respect to establishing new job creating businesses in our targeted community area.



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