Annual Consumer Expenditures (Buying Power), by category, for our Targeted "CityEast" community in East Oakland at 55th Avenue east to San Leandro

Our targeted area in East Oakland (55th Avenue east to the Oakland-San Leandro border) has Estimated Annual Household Consumer Expenditures totaling over 3.4 billion dollars that are spent on 97 different goods and services as listed below. It is important to note that each of these expenditures currently exists and do in fact create jobs wherever the dollars are spent; unfortunately too many outside of our targeted area.

Apparel $76,207,081.35
Apparel Services & AcCes $12,094,904.29
Audio equipmemt $2,658,452.70
Baby sitting and elderly care $13,531,119.39
Books $1,870,195.11
Books & Supplies $5,420,980.93
Boys apparel $3,860,012.40
Cellular phoe service $12,485,160.80
Cigaretts $9,350,723.65
Computer hardware $10,823,040.35
Computer information Svcs $5,255,601.55
Computer software $841,705.39
Contributions $58,066,420.32
Coolant and other fluids $241,750.79
Cosmetics & perfume $3,232,863.35
Deodrants and othr pers care $898,617.96
Education $38,930,859.70
Electricity $40,615,724.28
Entertainment $87,564,590.65
Fees & admissions $22,765,399.90
Finance chgs. Mtg. & Veh. $16,909,280.69
Floor covernings $2,339,849.15
Food and Bevrages $242,922,434.58
Food at home (Groceries) $127,471,835.03
Food away from home $97,083,958.60
Footwear $12,264,661.92
Fuel oil & other fuels $4,062,437.94
Funeral & cemetery $2,858,708.14
Furniture $18,634,444.00
Gasoline & oil $70,066,780.66
Gifts $41,186,341.72
Girls aparrel $5,109,610.59
Hair care $1,779,479.26
Hard surface flooring $630,907.56
Health care $95,678,800.73
Health care insurance $46,183,186.72
Health care srvices $23,377,860.84
Health supplies & equip $26,117,753.17
Household sevices $10,001,712.61
Household  supplies $24,782,144.30
Household textiles $4,837,133.02
Housewares & small app $34,774,066.99
Indoor plants & fresh flowers $2,217,061.97
Infants apparrel $3,437,719.79
Jewelry $4,819,169.60
legal & accounting $3,151,580.80
Magazines $1,047,158.58
Major appliances $7,935,475.94
Mass transit $3,106,800.46
Men's apparrel $14,354,527.14
Mortgage interest $122,900,341.50
Natural gas $15,561,887.63
New car purchased $36,139,814.74
New truck purchased $42,785,453.21
New vehicle purchased $78,925,503.20
Newspapers $2,189,014.84
Oral hygene products $823,560.20
Other lodging $18,092,322.11
Other miscellaneous expenses $3,256,554.26
Other repairs & maintenance $4,599,094.51
Other tabacco products $1,042,126.51
Other transportation costs $17,719,861.21
Other utilities $12,802,380.87
Paint & wallpaper $2,036,180.78
Personal care products $5,337,337.76
Personal care services $15,315,487.00
Personal insurance $16,107,859.30
Pet supplies & Svcs $8,505,436.15
Photographic equipment & supplies $3,793,698.56
Plumbing & heating $1,813,657.05
Property taxes $52,643,413.84
Public transportation $18,028,230.25
Records/tapes/CD purchases $4,257,517.19
Recreational equip & supplies $34,217,965.75
Rental costs $69,506,272.24
Roofing & siding $2,490,788.13
Satelite dishes $332,444.84
Shaving needs $382,526.90
Shelter $881,257,041.55
Telephone Svc escl cell $24,553,152.06
Televisions $3,860,983.07
Transportation $312,280,078.53
Tuition $33,509,966.14
Used car purchases $27,115,179.92
Used truck purchases $23,573,722.39
VCR's & related equipment $1,600,656.10
Vehicle insurance $35,452,850.54
Vehicle repair $24,197,746.74
Vehicle repair and maintenance $24,439,497.53
Video & audio equipment $30,581,285.51
Video game hardware & sofware $993,780.06
Watches $897,430.08
Women's aparrel $25,007,016.82
Source: DemographicsNow 2009
Consumer Expentirure Report.


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